Light & Airy Bouquet


Capture the essence of a light and airy wedding with our Faux Flower Bouquet, it features light pink roses, delicate wheat ears, and baby's breath flowers, accented by light tan paeonia pearl flowers. A perfect addition to create a romantic and dreamy ambiance on your special day.

Disclaimer: Please note that the colors of the bouquets may vary slightly from the images shown due to lighting and monitor settings. For a truly personalized touch, custom bouquets are also available upon request. We strive to ensure your satisfaction and create the perfect bouquet for your special occasion.

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Capture the essence of a light and airy wedding with our Faux Flower Bouquet, it features light pink roses, delicate wheat ears, and baby's breath flowers, accented by light tan paeonia pearl flowers. A perfect addition to create a romantic and dreamy ambiance on your special day.

Disclaimer: Please note that the colors of the bouquets may vary slightly from the images shown due to lighting and monitor settings. For a truly personalized touch, custom bouquets are also available upon request. We strive to ensure your satisfaction and create the perfect bouquet for your special occasion.

Capture the essence of a light and airy wedding with our Faux Flower Bouquet, it features light pink roses, delicate wheat ears, and baby's breath flowers, accented by light tan paeonia pearl flowers. A perfect addition to create a romantic and dreamy ambiance on your special day.

Disclaimer: Please note that the colors of the bouquets may vary slightly from the images shown due to lighting and monitor settings. For a truly personalized touch, custom bouquets are also available upon request. We strive to ensure your satisfaction and create the perfect bouquet for your special occasion.

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Sold Out
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